Monday, June 17, 2013

Dot net application Nuke – The nucleus of CMS

Dot Net duke or the DNN wields the power of the web as a CMS with its open-source, free platform. Content management software or CMS breaks free all technology barriers which would prevent the user(business, individual, client) from creating and evolving with his/her own web space. An online business site developed with CMS renders discretion to the client to make modifications/tweaks/ and even expand the scope of the existing site.

Dot Net Nuke based on technology offers unique features to allow users to enjoy more latitude as they have the discretion to manage content from the smaller intranet, the extranets, to the larger internet on any platform and with multiple databases.These features are accomplished through DNN’s scalability and extensibility by using modules, skins, templates, language packs data providers. Let us take quick peek into these features, which makes Dot Net nuke a user-friendly CMS.

DontNetNuke has three-tier architecture with a content management system, application framework and the server tier in three separate layers. This kind of architecture lays the foundation of extensive modularity where plug-ins can be easily installed and uninstalled at the same time.Coming back to modularity, the DNN framework has built-in modules to provide basic functionality to design and develop for intranet, e-commerce system, extranet, the internet(public web site) or any custom web application.

For enhanced features or hi-end development third-party modules can be uploaded by the administrator and can be used in any of the pages in a website. There is a marketplace for both DotNetnuke modules and skins in the web-space, where the feature you desire is available both in the paid and free version.The concept of modularity is further espoused by the use of skins in the Dotnenuke framework. Skins are HTML files with a structured framework to build content. These files also have provisions or placeholders for images, menus, stylesheets etc. The skins help to separate the design from the content thereby rendering greater platform independence and reducing the incidence of developer-designer incompatibility. Meaning; that both functionality and the presentation of the page are segregated, with the application logic not interfering with the style at all. Similar to modules compiled DotNEtNuke skins can also be uploaded into the framework by the administrator.

DNN’s skinning engine reads through the compiled skins and generates a  user-control file(if the skin doesn’t have one) using the placeholders and other tags of the HTML language.Coming to the language packs, the downloadables are available in different languages pertaining to the parent language used in your DNN framework. The feature is well-nuanced as there are variants of a single language(for instance, US or UK English).

From the “soft-skills” of language present in DotnetNuke to the hard-core hard-skills, DNN supports a host of data providers for data access, from SQL Oracle and others of the like.In summary, Dot Net Nuke sums up to be the coveted CMS in the industry for one: for its extensibility and secondly, for its customizability. Thriving on the latest buzz of the web-platform to deliver services par excellence is Web Development Company in Dubai,UAE  . Here the wide spectrum of services covers SEO, graphic design, logo design which typically come under the umbrella term “web development, UAE”. Our expertise speaks volumes for open-source accessibility rendering customized solutions for any online business. Thus customer satisfaction is a stamp of guarantee on our highly extensible services!

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